Associate in Risk Management Details

Certification Industry: Insurance

Certificate Name: Associate in Risk Management

Certificate Issuing Authority: TheInstitutes.org

Certification Price:

Certificate Validity:

The Associate in Risk management (ARM) credential focuses on the science of risk management which involves avoiding, reducing, and managing risk.

This certification ensures that the candidates develop a holistic as well as a strategic approach towards the understanding of risk assessment and treatment.

It depicts professional competence in risk management.

Average Salary Range

USA : $86,000

(Source: https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Certification=Associate_in_Risk_Management_(ARM)/Salary)

India: 8,08,000 INR

(Source: https://www.payscale.com/research/IN/Certification=Associate_in_Risk_Management_(ARM)/Salary)

Who Should Apply for Associate in Risk Management?

The job of an associate risk manager involves identifying, assessing, and controlling a company’s risk. Risk Managers, Analysts, Consultants, CFOs, Chief Risk Officers, Agents, Brokers, Agency Principals, Data Analytics Professionals, Cyber Risk Professionals, Underwriters, Public Entity Risk Managers, Employee Benefits Managers, and Municipal Executives should apply for ARM.


  1. Career Prospects -

Many professionals undertaking the ARM certification tend to use the principles studied during the course in their routine and it seems as if they have been imparted with a lifetime skill which ultimately acts as a powerful career prospect.

  1. Higher Pay -

Since the job of an ARM is to analyze the risk involved in the ventures of an organization, be it internal or external, they help in reducing the dynamicity of the business environment by making future predictions. This entitles them to higher pay.

Recommended Courses:

business environment by making future predictions. This entitles them to higher pay.

Designation Requirements

Step I. CORE

Building a solid knowledge base.

  1. ARM 401: Holistically Assessing Risk

  2. ARM 402: Successfully Treating Risk


Understanding ethical decision making.

  1. Ethical Decision Making in Risk and Insurance

  2. Ethical Guidelines for CPCUs


Moving forward with confidence.

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Associate in Risk Management Exam Details:

The average completion time for Associate in Risk Management (ARM) credential is 9-15 months which spreads across the following courses:

Core Courses

  • ARM 401 (5-7 weeks)

  • ARM 402 (5-7 weeks)

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