Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Details

Certification Industry: IT (Developer, Data, Architect)

Certificate Name: Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Certificate Issuing Authority: Google

Certification Price: $39/month after the initial 7-day free trial period

Certificate Validity: 12 months

This fully online program, hosted on Coursera, provides all of the skills required to find an entry-level job in the field of data analytics. This Certification will teach you how to ask the right questions, how to prepare, process, and analyze data for key insights, how to effectively share your findings, and how to make thoughtful recommendations.

  • Gain a hands-on understanding of the practices and processes used by a junior or associate data analyst in their day-to-day job.
  • Learn key analytical skills like data cleaning, visualization and Analysis tools and platforms like spreadsheets, SQL, Tableau, RStudio, Kaggle.
  • Learn how to clean and organize data for analysis, as well as how to perform analysis and calculations using spreadsheets, SQL, and R programming.
  • Learn how to use dashboards, presentations, and commonly used visualization platforms to visualize and present data findings.
  • Industry relevant concepts and terms


  • Data cleaning, problem solving, critical thinking, data ethics, and data visualization are among the skills you will learn.
  • Over 8 courses, gain in-demand skills that prepare you for an entry-level job. You'll hear from Google employees whose backgrounds in data analytics have served as springboards for their own careers. You can complete the certificate in less than 6 months if you work less than 10 hours per week.
  • You will be prepared for jobs such as junior or associate data analyst, database administrator, and others. After completing the certificate, you will be able to apply directly for jobs with Google and over 130 U.S. employers, including Walmart, Best Buy, and Astreya.

Salary and Job Opportunities:

There are 337,400 data analytics job openings in the United States, with an average entry-level salary of $67,900. 

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Exam Details:

Languages- English

Time Window- Approximately 6 months to complete

Location- This certificate is available online on the platform Coursera.
This program includes over 180 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments to help you simulate real-world data analytics scenarios critical for workplace success. The content is highly interactive and was created entirely by Google employees with decades of data analytics experience. You'll be introduced to analysis tools and platforms, as well as key analytical skills required for an entry-level job, through a combination of videos, assessments, and hands-on labs.

Coursera charges $39/month after the initial 7-day free trial period in the United States and Canada. The certificate can be obtained in less than 6 months of part-time study, which means that most students can complete it for less than $300 USD. Your costs may be lower in other countries where the IT Support Certificate is available. Google Career Certificates generate no revenue for Google, and need-based financial assistance is available.