Review By: Scott Richards
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
My preparation started in November 2019, in preparation for completing the PSM II course, I was studying all the suggested learning for it, which included the PSPO work. In doing so, I was passing the OPEN exam for PSPO at 100% pass rate, so I took the PSPO I certificate and passed.
Then post the completion of attending the PSM II course, as my learning and growth continued, it was important to start looking at a holistic view of the Scrum Master, and how they can influence an organisation. This took my down the path of more and more reading, podcasts, youtube around Product Owners, Agile Leadership and truly looking at a Product with an empirical lense.
Some of the sources I recommend:
Medium, Serious Scrum. this is fantastic.
Good books: Scrum - a pocket guide, Agile Project Management, Scrum - Twice the work in half the time.
Benefits From Certification