Review By: Oshan Fernando
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
I'd like to share how and what i used to prepare for the AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate exam. There are a few and most important resources you should not miss out to pass the exam without a hassle - I have listed them at the bottom. Please bear in mind that there are ONLY few questions with direct and straightforward answers, most of them are scenario based so make sure you read each and every word before answering and select the best one.
When you start reading the options, you will select an answer as soon as you feel like that is the right one, but that does not always work - Don't do it guys, read all the options and rule out the ones that are wrong and then select the right answer.
I have been preparing for the exam for around 4-5 months around 2-3 hrs a day, sometimes more and the whole weekend. I studied most of the FAQs and noted the important point so that it helped me to memorize whenever i looked at the notes. The FAQs bear alot of useful information that will definitely help in answering most of the questions. So make sure you read them thoroughly and note down the important notes.
I followed a course from aCloudGuru and a set of practice tests by Jon Bonso - TutorialsDojo, Whizlabs and some free dumps as well. I must say, those were immensly helpful and i can assure that it was one of the main reasons for me to pass the exam. The practice tests by Jon Bonso are worth alot since it will provide you with definitions as to why a certain answer is correct and why the rest are incorrect. Make sure you read all the explanations as they will be an answer to another question. The Cheat sheet by TutorialsDojo is also a must as you will definitely come across certain important point that you would have missed.
Below are the main areas I got questions from :
Best of luck guys, Happy studying. :)
Refer the below links for the resources that helped me to pass the exam.
Benefits From Certification