Review By: Tushar Kachare
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
Hi All,
Passed SAA-C01 exam on 4 March with lot of efforts on these test sets and STEPHANE MAAREK AWS and Cloudguru course, The Exam is not very easy and questions are very typical
My Preparation experience and suggestion who are going to appear for exam
1. Fully learn STEPHANE MAAREK AWS course on udemy ,
2. Go through the 6 Practise Test given in this course
I found it is better than Cloudguru Course in Udemy
Also I found two very useful links ( 3rd and 4th ) which is like summary or notes on each aws service to go through on last revision phase and there are others as well
8. - Important:only 10-15% question can be from any dumps online so just refer do not complete rely, This link is updating free dumps here which are exactly matching with paid dumps
If you do these things and if get around 80% in all 6 sets then I bet you will 100 pass the exam
Finally Thank You Stephane Maarek,Cloudeguru Ryan Kroonenburg,Jon Bonso,Jayendra and Tutorials Dojo !!
Benefits From Certification