Review By: Tejaswini Dalavi
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
I posted on 3rd March 2020 that I passed my PMP. First of all apologies for being so late with this post. And most importantly would like to thank my nentor in this journey. Mr. Shriram, (Shrilearning) have been the great trainer/mentor during this hardest journey. Yes you read it right. For me it was the toughest challenge I had taken for myself. I am a BA graduate. Passed ib 2004. Since then never touched a book. Very bad in studies. However due to the corporate demand in job to upskill myself I chose PMP training as my goal in 2016. Attended 4 days workshop but never continued studies. Mr. Shriram was not there then may be the reason, i got distracted. But this it was need of an hour for me to be successful in the work i m doing. It was not just passing the PMP, however implementing the same at my daily work. And I saw a add pops up of Shrilearning on PMP program. And Mr.Shriram and Rahul from Shrilearning institute were just there to help me then and there.
They provided me a 40 days study plan. Amazingly it works. Due to high workload and personal challenges I was getting deviated but Mr. Shriram kept on following up and brought me back on track. The content, practice exams provided by Shrilearning are just great. Just follow Mr.Shriram and you have your PMP in hand.
Here are my lessons learned and some recommendations.
1. If you don’t already know, check out the requirements to take the test on under certifications.
2. Read PMBOK 6th edition
3. Read PMI Code of Ethics
4. Review material from at least one other source - Rita M , Kim Heldman, Head First PMP.
I struggled to absorb much by just reading and the video lessons by Varun Anand and Sandra mitchell really helped. Plus the PMBOK does not include all material that could be on the test. The other reference materials will include additional details, which definately Mr. Shriram will guide you with or use Google.
I took an online exam prep class from Plural sight. My friend Nitin garg was another important person in my PMP journey, who helped me with exam Stimulators. We read and reviewed the PMBOK and an online portal was provided to review material along with practice exams. I lost some momentum around the holidays, but got back on track 3rd week of Feb, I took planned leave for teo weeks, thanks for my Manager and Organisation for being supportive. I took many, many quizzes - their exam simulator questions seemed close to the ones I remember from the test. It provides an explanation of the question and why the correct answer is right and the other answers are wrong. I reviewed every question and all answers, whether I got the question right or wrong. I learned when I was wrong and reinforced knowledge for ones I had correct. I also made a chart for all 49 processes. It included the definition, inputs, tools & techniques and outputs. I read these over and over many times. I downloaded the ITTO sheet in my mind by writng it everyday until my exam. Also played the Rita's process game twice. Additionally, I reviewed free YouTube videos by Aileen Ellis. She does a good job of breaking down the questions.
I recommend you review one other source besides PMBOK to reinforce material and gain additional info not in PMBOK. Get a good exam simulator and take practice exam to see how you do. You also need to see if you can complete 200 questions in 4 hours.
Above all recommendation and guidance was from Mr. Shriram and Nitin Garg. I just followed them and success was with me.
Once again would like to Thank Shrilearning Institute for guiding me to get my PMP.
Benefits From Certification