Review By: Mariana Coscodan
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Because i want to help other professional passionate of Agile and Scrum to pass successfully their PSPO 1 certification, please find below some recommendations that helped me to pass successfully my examination:
1. Study all the materials proposed in the PSPO Learning Path. It's really complete, important and useful. Understand the PSPO Competencies.
2. Read carefully this book it will help you to understand better the Scrum guide and each role responsibilities, especially the role of Product Owner: "The professional Product Owner" by Don McGREAL and Ralph JOCHAM
3. Study and understand EBM (Evidence Based Management). There are some questions related to product value and how to order the Product Backlog Items;
4. Take the Open Assessments for PSM and PSPO. Most questions in the real exam are harder than in the Open Assessment. So, don't underestimate it.
5. Additionally, i bought this course on to practice my knowledge I passed all the tests one time after that i revised all my incorrect questions 2 or 3 times.
6. I passed 2 times this test on Mikhail Lapshin blog: Also, i would recommend to read the discussions on these questions
7. Also, i think these book "PSM and PSPO exam question bank" is very good, because i saw meny similar questions with real assessment
If you will follow as minimum all these recommendations, i think you have all chances to pass the examination with a very very good score.
Good luck!
Benefits From Certification