Review By: Prakash Shalwar
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
This is my first attempt on a cloud certification, though its at a basic level I personally learned a lot. The training videos by Rohit Rahi were good to understand the concepts. The tips mentioned in the various reviews of reviewnprep especially by Haman Sharma for this course helped me to concentrate on the specific topics needed from the certification stand point.
I agree with other folks that some topics were not covered in the training videos which are being asked in the certification exam. I felt like some questions almost needed real time cloud practitioner experience.
It took me over 1 day to cover the topics mentioned in the video. Call me old schooled but I prefer to write down notes which I personally feel helps in retaining the information for longer time. I also took the sample practice test by Oracle which had roughly 25 to 30 questions which gives you a glimpse of final certification exam. I went through training videos again for few topics with 2x speed. (experience with Netflix binge watching did help here! :))
Hope this helps in case anybody is looking to get certified in OCI foundations. Good luck!
Benefits From Certification