Review By: Ahfat Zai
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
Hi All,
Today i just went for the exam and i passed it. The exam wasn't easy at all based on the experience i had in taking many exams before in my life. There is no way to tell how much you scored and i was only given a provisional status of pass. After doing some researches just now right after my exam, the Google FAQ actually mentioned that Google is using certain way to evaluate the responses of the questions and use some "algorithms" to produce result instead of based on the numerical scores came straight from only 1 answer. so i believe the boarder line between pass or fail is based on a par based on analysis of the answers which i strongly believe every answer you responded comes with a certain entity/value/point contributing to the algorithms that make up the final status of your exam. to be honest, during the exam, there were rare answers that i chose made me feel 100% confident that it is the best answer. in fact i was even quite assured that the status of the exam stands high chance that it is a "fail" but turned up to be "Pass" that led me relate the study of how Google produce result.
As for the preparation from my side, i found none of the things i did as mentioned really help to directly help me pass my exam. it is a combination and i during exam and looking at the questions i felt that i should have done more. so my advice is really practice more and if possible cover more on google documentation as the questions are way beyond that pluralsight, qwiklabs*(despite i did more than 100 labs), ACE Exam Guide... these are really supplementary materials for you to build solid foundation. there are a lot more from things came out from google documentation.
my next plan is PCA.
Good luck all
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