Review By: Shameel Uddin
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
I am going to write down in easy steps so that it’s easier to follow!
Step 1 :
Firstly, watch official videos :
Take the screenshot of each slide of every chapter. Print every chapter and have it with you accordingly like this:
Step 2:
Watch the videos again and then note it down on the printed notes that you have with you. It’d take around 10 hours in this process or so.
Step 3:
Revise the notes daily, it’d take hardly 1 hour or so to revise.
One day before exam and on the day of the exam, please follow these three videos, two of which covers theoretical concepts and one of them is for lab practice:
Thanks to Ahmed Mekawy for uploading such helpful videos!
Afterwards, Attempt the practice exam which is available at Oracle’s Official website which has 20 questions and etch them into your brain :
At last, See this video for the questions :
Please note that the answers mentioned in the video are wrong. So, if you have studied thoroughly, you’ll be to point out the correct answers!
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