AWS Certified Developer Associate learning path and preparation

Review By: Sajal Tyagi



Expiry Month


Expiry Year


Time taken to Prepare

31 Days

Resources Used

  • Stephane's course on udemy, AWS blogs, Jon Bonso and Neal Davis Practice Papers

Detailed Review Of Preparation

Focus on serverless stack

  • DynamoDB
  • lambda
  • api gateway
  • Beanstalk

Then do a lot hands on using CICD tools:-

  • CodeCommit
  • CodeBuild
  • CodePipeline
  • Codedeploy

Learn cloudformation it is an amazing skill to be dealt with.

For monitoring CloudTrail, Cloudwatch and XRAY are good enough to focus on.

Surprisingly my exam had a lot of security related questions and I thought for a second it was a bit more tricky than what I practiced but if you have done hands on really well you will easily pass.

Benefits From Certification

  • Pay Hike
  • Promotion
  • My Job Needed It
  • Knowledge is Power
  • I just did it for the giggles