Review By: rahul tyagi
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Time taken to Prepare
Resources Used
Detailed Review Of Preparation
Exam Info
The link below is the home page for Solution architect associate exam. We can find all information related to the exam on this page. The exam guide and sample exam questions are also available to download on the page.
Udemy Courses
Acloudguru Course: This is the best seller course on Udemy and it is good. Since I have taken the exam, I can say it covers only the 70% of the exam. There are a number of exam topics which are not covered (sometimes in details and sometimes absent altogether) from this course. However I don't think any course covers all the topics since the exam is so vast.
There are couple of other courses on Udemy which are supposed to be very good. At the time of writing, course by Stephane Maarek was the best rated course on Udemy for the Solution Architect Associate exam.
Practice Exams: I bought a practice exam course also. It had 6 mock exams and had very detailed explanations for the answers. However the questions were quite verbose. But the mock exam is totally worth it price and I would highly recommend it.
The exam guide also lists a number of whitepapers. These can be downloaded in various formats and are also available to download on Kindle (for free) for leisurely reading. Highly recommended to go through these.
For the hands on training and practice, AWS offer free tier accounts.
Other resources: I heard from couple of friends that the courses on Linux Academy are also extremely good but I did not take them myself.
Actual Preparation
The exam feels theoretical however it is not. One has to be hands on. The main services, S3, EC2, VPC and Databases require practice and requires lots of learning. Unless you can do things on your own in the AWS console from memory, I wouldn't recommend to sit on the exam.
I followed the following strategy:
So this was my journey of AWS solution architect associate exam. I wish everyone reading this best of luck in theirs.
Benefits From Certification