Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exams

Master the material required to pass the GCP Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam

Level: Intermediate

Reviews: 3
No. of Exams: 6

Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exams
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Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams

Summary: This course provides six practice exams. Each exam contains over 50 randomly selected questions.

Features: The exams will evaluate proficiency, while also teaching certification material. Every question includes a detailed analysis and explanation, which is provided upon exam completion. The explanations included linked references to GCP documentation.

Overview of Topics Covered
• Infrastructure - Compute, Storage, Networking
• Data and Analytics - NoSQL Databases, Relational Databases, Big Data
• Development Services - Application Services, AI Services, Development Tools
• Administration - Management, Monitoring, Authorization, Security

Detailed Overview of Topics Covered

     • Compute: Functions, App Engine, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, GKE
     • Storage: Filestore, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent Disk
     • Network: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, Router

Data Services
     • Document DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big Table
     • Relational DBs: Cloud SQL, Spanner
     • Big Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data Catalog

Development Services
     • Application Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStore, Composer
     • AI: AI Platform, ML, TensorFlow, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural Language
     • Dev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Deployment Manager

Foundations & Administration
     • Management: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, Billing
     • Monitoring: Stack Driver, Serial Console, Cloud Audit Logs
     • Auth: IAM, AD Integration
     • Security: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud Armor

• Master the material required to pass the GCP Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam

• Ability to Architect Enterprise Solutions on the Google Cloud Platform

• Broad Knowledge of all Google Cloud Platform Resources and Services

• Post-Exam Analysis and Question Explanations

Dakotta Myers

03-Dec-2020 08:35:56 AM
Bust Once
These questions are not similar to the GCP PCA at all. Quite honestly it's a waste of money. If I could get a refund back I would.
10-Aug-2021 09:11:15 AM
Zhou HaiBing
not at all
01-Jun-2022 05:29:11 PM

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