Oracle OCI Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085 Practice Exam

1Z0-1085 LATEST Practice Exam for candidates to study and pass the exam on the first attempt!

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Oracle OCI Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085 Practice Exam
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Welcome to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations Associate:

1Z0-1085 LATEST AND PREMIUM PRACTICE TESTS for candidates to study and pass the exam on the first attempt!

Having been tested by numerous students, these Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Practice Exams will help you attain a fantastic score on the actual exam.

Whether you are from a technical or non-technical background, this certification is for you!

Review exam topics

Getting Started with OCI

Describe the key features and components of OCI

Discuss OCI Regions and Availability Domains

Core OCI Services

Describe OCI Compute services

Describe OCI Storage services

Describe OCI Networking services

Describe OCI Observability and Management services

Describe OCI Analytics and AI services

Describe OCI Hybrid offerings

Describe OCI App Dev services

Describe OCI Database services

Security and Compliance

Explain the OCI Security model

Describe OCI Security services

Describe OCI Identity and Access Management services

OCI Pricing, Support and Operations (Governance and Administration)

Explain the OCI Pricing model

Explain the OCI SLA and Support model


1) Fully Updated with the Latest Blueprint - You don't need to worry about the test series being outdated, ever! The tests are updated monthly to reflect the current exam blueprint and contain high-quality practice questions to mimic the actual exam.

2) Randomised practice sets - To ensure that you don't end up memorizing the questions and the answers, Both the questions and the answer orders will be randomized and shuffled each time you attempt the test!

3) high-quality practice tests - These tests contain 1 Full length of Timed test to mimic the actual test environment and focus on the questions and services you are MOST LIKELY to face in the actual exam!

4) Comprehensive answers and References - Of course, you want to know why your answer is not correct, right? At the end of each test, you can review each and every question with comprehensive answers and links to the original documentation to read more about it!

5) Question resolution within 24 hours - Have any questions? Drop them in the Q/A section and my team will get back to you within 24 hours - GUARANTEED.

6) Test reports - Automatic report generation at the end of every test to help you identify your weak areas so you can work better on them!

7) Mobile Support - Be it a tablet, mobile, or laptop - These tests can be accessed on any device, anywhere!

8) Monthly Updates - The tests are updated very frequently at least once every month to stay up to date with the new changes to the exam, and include new trickier questions - so you never have to worry about being unprepared!

Exam Information:

Exam Title: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2022 Associate

Exam Number: 1Z0-1085-23

Format: Multiple Choice

Duration: 90 Minutes

Number of Questions: 55

Passing score: 68%

Enroll today in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Mock Tests / Exams for lifetime access!

Learning Objective :

1] To Gain basic knowledge about OCI Environment.

2] To become Oracle Certified Infrastructure Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085.

3] To Pass the OCI Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085.

Devendra Kanade

Devendra is a Data Engineer at GE Healthcare who is eager to share his knowledge with others. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from India and has obtained multiple professional certifications, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle.

He has devoted significant time and effort to creating course content and practice questions that will aid students in their certification journeys. His objective in sharing his technical knowledge on this forum is to serve as a catalyst for a positive career change for all individuals. His study materials are tailored to assist professionals in achieving their certification and career goals.

Devendra is dedicated to helping people succeed in their certification efforts. In addition to his passion for teaching and learning new skills, he enjoys reading books.

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