Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer - AD0-E103 Details

Certification Industry: IT (Developer, Data, Architect)

Certificate Name: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer - AD0-E103

Certificate Issuing Authority: Adobe Systems

Certification Price: 180 USD

Certificate Validity:

At a minimum, the candidate seeking certification should have and be able to:
  1. A minimum of 1-year AEM development experience using version 6.3 or higher
  2. Create, extend and configure templates and components
  3. Build and configure OSGi components and services
  4. Use Sling and JCR API
  5. Have general knowledge about building using Apache Maven and be able to set-up their own environment (e.g., Java SDK, and AEM)
  6. Test applications and troubleshoot AEM projects

Exam Sections:

  1. Section 1: Installation and Configuration of AEM (10%)
  2. Section 2: Templates and Components (40%)
  3. Section 3: OSGi Services (20%)
  4. Section 4: Packaging and Deploying AEM projects (10%)
  5. Section 5: Troubleshooting AEM projects (20%)

Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer - AD0-E103 Exam Details:

Number of questions: 50
Time limit: 90 minutes
Format: Multiple choice, multiple select
Language offered: English
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Passing score: All Adobe exams are reported on a scale of 300 to 700. The passing score for each exam is 550
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    raman aggarwal