AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exams (Updated Mar, 2022)

Real Exam type questions that will help you pass the AZ-104 certification easily.

Level: Intermediate

Reviews: 7
No. of Exams: 8

AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exams (Updated Mar, 2022)
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Practice tests contain the latest additions on the new AZ-104 topics, the exam received an update in January 2021. I've added new questions in September 2021 to cover the new topic. My AZ-104 Azure practice tests are closest to the actual exam. Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Azure services.

These AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrators Practice Exams have a passing score of above 70%, but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam.

The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.

The exam consists of:

1. Manage Azure identities and governance

2. Implement and manage storage

3. Deploy and manage Azure compute resources

4. Configure and manage virtual networking

5. Monitor and back up Azure resources

Ralph Bryant

I am life long learner and always trying to out new technologies. Azure is the first cloud platform that I learnt and hopefully not the last one. I'm here to share how I learnt and hopefully you can learn from me.

Adam Mazurek

12-Jan-2021 08:23:07 PM
Ralph Bryant Thanks for the rating, Adam.
18-Feb-2021 12:25:34 AM
Eric de Campos
Good, but does not help you pass
22-Mar-2021 08:33:36 PM
Parvez Qureshi

01-Mar-2021 12:13:16 PM
Ralph Bryant Hi Parvez. Hope you are doing well. Any reason for low rating? Were the exams not helpful at all?
06-Mar-2021 11:40:11 PM
Bharat Rai
Thanks for the practice exams. These helped a lot. Passed the exam with 840 total.
02-Mar-2021 06:26:22 AM
Ralph Bryant
Ralph cleared my queries quickly on few of the questions. Thanks for helping me pass the cert. On to the next one!
08-Mar-2021 04:29:26 AM
Madison Burns
Great practice exams. Cleared my AZ-104 today. I wish, the exams had case study though.
08-Mar-2021 04:36:19 AM
Ralph Bryant Congrats on passing AZ-104. Case study will be added soon.
21-Mar-2021 02:53:24 AM
Chamika Lakmal
Today I grabbed AZ-104 certificate and this questions were really helpful for the achievement.
25-Jun-2023 08:34:48 PM

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