OCI Architect Associate and Professional Bundle Practice Tests

Get access to both Associate and Professional Architect exams at a reduced rate, serving as your pathway to achieving OCI Architect Level.

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OCI Architect Associate and Professional Bundle Practice Tests
$15  $13.5
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If you're gearing up to tackle the OCI Architect Associate and Professional Practice Exams, our meticulously crafted practice exams are tailored just for you. Having personally undergone the exam in March 2024, we've comprehensively covered all pertinent topics to bolster your exam readiness. Each question is accompanied by a detailed explanation and direct links to OCI documentation, fostering a deeper grasp of OCI concepts. It's important to note that our exams are designed to aid your success and enhance your understanding, steering clear of mere dumps.

Exam topics span across:

- Identity and Access Management
- Networking
- Advanced Networking Concepts
- Multiple VNICs and IP Addresses
- Compute
- Storage
- Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute Instances
- Database
- Advanced Database
- Architecting Best Practices

For those eyeing the Architect Professional level, delve into topics including planning and designing solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, implementing and managing databases, facilitating workload migration, ensuring operational excellence, devising hybrid cloud architectures, and fortifying security and compliance measures.

1. Gain comprehensive knowledge of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) concepts, technologies, and services.
2. Master the key principles and practices essential for successfully architecting solutions within OCI environments.
3. Acquire proficiency in navigating and utilizing OCI tools, resources, and documentation effectively.
4. Develop the skills necessary to design, deploy, and manage compute, storage, networking, and database solutions on OCI.
5. Enhance problem-solving abilities through practical application of OCI architectural best practices and strategies.
6. Strengthen understanding of identity and access management, networking, security, and compliance considerations specific to OCI.
7. Prepare rigorously for the OCI Architect Associate and Professional certification exams by simulating real-world exam scenarios.
8. Evaluate personal readiness and identify areas for improvement through detailed explanations and links to OCI documentation provided with each practice question.
9. Foster confidence and competence in tackling both Associate and Professional level OCI Architect exams.
10. Establish a solid foundation for advancing career prospects in cloud architecture and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure expertise.

Devendra Kanade

Devendra is a Data Engineer at GE Healthcare who is eager to share his knowledge with others. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from India and has obtained multiple professional certifications, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle.

He has devoted significant time and effort to creating course content and practice questions that will aid students in their certification journeys. His objective in sharing his technical knowledge on this forum is to serve as a catalyst for a positive career change for all individuals. His study materials are tailored to assist professionals in achieving their certification and career goals.

Devendra is dedicated to helping people succeed in their certification efforts. In addition to his passion for teaching and learning new skills, he enjoys reading books.

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