OCI Oracle Architect Professional Practice Exams: 1Z0-997-20

Looking for extra practice for OCI Architect Professional Certification: 1Z0-997-20. Take our exams for getting that extra practice.

Level: Expert

Reviews: 1
No. of Exams: 2

OCI Oracle Architect Professional Practice Exams: 1Z0-997-20
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If you are looking to prepare and pass the OCI Architect Professional Practice Exams: 1Z0-997, you should check out our practice exams. We have personally taken the exam in 2020 and covered all the relevant topics to help you prepare for the exams. With each question, you will also get the relevant explanation and link to OCI documentation. Please note that these exams are not dumps but meant to help you succeed and deepen your understanding of OCI concepts.

No prerequisites are needed but it is recommended to take OCI Architect Associate Certification first.

Check out my preparation tips and how to prepare for this certification on ReviewNPrep Blog.

Exam Objectives:

  • Plan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Design, implement and operate databases in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Migrate on-premise workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Implement and operate solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Design for hybrid cloud architecture
  • Design for security and compliance
Haman Sharma

I am the founder of ReviewNPrep. I've have an MBA from UNC Kenan-Flagler and have been in the Technology sector for more than 15 years. I am a life long learner and always curious to learn about new technologies. I'm, here to make a difference in students life. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and follow ReviewNPrep on LinkedIn.

Scott Moyer
I bought this thinking the practice exams would help me prepare for the OCI Architect Professional 2020 Exam. On the first practice exam, the answers to 2 out of the first 3 questions were wrong (I cross-referenced the questions with official Oracle material and am sure of this). I do not recommend this review course to anyone. Don't waste your money. This course will confuse and mislead you, and will probably lead you to get a lower score than you normally would have.
03-Dec-2020 09:46:36 AM
Haman Sharma Scott, thanks for your feedback. I'm really not sure what answers are wrong. IMHO, it is unfair to leave a rating after just taking 3 questions. Would you please let me know what answers are wrong so that I can fix those?
05-Dec-2020 12:54:36 AM

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