PMP Exam Practice Question Set - Challenging Questions

PMP Practice Exam. Test your knowledge with my 360 challenging questions - PMP Exam like questions

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PMP Exam Practice Question Set - Challenging Questions
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Please note: PMP Exam - new format - in 2021, will be still based on PMBOK 6th edition and Agile Practice Guide

This set of exam like questions are intended to support you be prepared for the PMP® (Project Management Professional) exam.

Just to give a feel about how PMP exam will look like, start with 55 FREE Challenging Questions.

It includes 360 challenging questions which are aimed to test your knowledge. 4 x 90 question sets will help you be prepared for the exam.

PMP New Format(2021) 2 x 180 question. Full length practice test.

Practice challenging questions which are situational, lenghty, covering agile and predicitev/hybrid  methodology.

In terms of ideal score, my advice to you score 80% correctly answered or above. The score will give you indication of your preparation level.

Key feautes of this PMP practice tests:

1. PMP new format

2. 4 x 90 challenging questions

3. Each answer explanation is clear enough to support You

4. Will provide you an actual feel of the PMP exam

Don't forget to always review and analyze all your answers. Questions are there to find gaps in your knowledge. Spend enough time to review each explanation. Always make notes and be cautios with time.

I wish you all the best for the studies and good luck with the exam.

Gabor Stramb, PMP


I am not a PMI R.E.P or A.T.P.

PMI, PMP Certificate, PMI-PMP Badge, PMBOK, CAPM, PMI-RMP and PMI-ACP are all registered trademarks of PMI - Project Management Institute Inc.

PMP certification exam simulator as per the revised new syllabus of 2021. Special focus on situational/scenario-based Questions

Gabor Stramb

Gabor is a PMP certified project manager with over 12 years of project management experience.

He is also content creator of Projectcertifications and AgileAdmiral websites. He is present on major social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

His own PMP and CAPM study groups have over 10k users on Facebook. Through regular tips/resources/articles and challenging questions he helps candidates to pass PMI exams.

Through one-on-one tutoring and coaching he helped 100+ students around the globe to pass CAPM/PMP/PMI-RMP/PMI-ACP exams.

Gabor led successful projects across the Telecommunication and Energy industry, from end of life product migration through most innovative 5G technology introduction projects/programs.

Key expert of project management methodologies(Waterfall, Agile, Hybrid) and areas such as risk, agile and hybrid delivery.

He is trained and qualified in Project management, scheduling, risk management, agile and hybrid project management. PMP certified.

Also, he is a corporate trainer at Nokia, running Project management, Agile/Hybrid projects and PMP preparation courses.

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