AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional - SAP-C01 - Updated February 2022

Exam preparation for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam code SAP-C01

Level: Expert

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No. of Exams: 6

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional - SAP-C01 - Updated February 2022
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Course Information


This course will allow you to assess your knowledge of the following domains in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C01  exam:

Domain 1: Design for Organizational Complexity (12.5%)
Domain 2: Design for New Solutions (31%)
Domain 3: Migration Planning (15%)
Domain 4: Cost Control (12.5%)
Domain 5: Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions (29%)

This course is for you if you:
- Have passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Developer Associate or SysOps Administrator Associate certifications; OR
- Have an equivalent level of hands-on knowledge from experience working with AWS services.

- I recommend you score at least an 80% on all exams before trying the actual exam.
- No duplicate questions.

Only this course isn't enough to obtain approval in the exam. This course is a very powerful tool, but first, you have to study the exam subjects to align the content learned with the format of the questions and so get similarity with the Exam format of questions.

Exam Information Exam
Title: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional

Exam Code: SAP-C01

Number of Questions: 75 Questions

Duration: 180 minutes

Availability: AWS Training Center

Test Format: Multiple-choice and Multi-select

Passing Score: A passing score is 750 out of 1000 points  (75%)

Language Exam: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Korean.


When to use an NLB vs an ALB, e.g. requirement to whitelist IP addresses.
Which compute pricing models to use for a given scenario.
How to scale for performance – Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS options.
Deployment options for Auto Scaling with instances, containers, and serverless.
Refactoring applications to microservices or serverless architectures.


Choose the best storage architecture for given requirements, object, block, file, HPC use cases etc.
Amazon S3, Amazon EFS, AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon FSx (for Windows File server or Lustre).
Performance characteristics of different storage options, tiers, classes and volume types.


When to use relational vs non-relational databases – Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora (comes up more than RDS now)
How to refactor existing databases to AWS managed services.
Using caching solutions for performance – DynamoDB DAX, Amazon ElastiCache
Scaling read performance, multi-AZ, multi-Region and multi-active databases.
Using data warehouses (Amazon RedShift) and graph DBs (Amazon Neptune).

Migration and Transfer:

How to use the Application Discovery Service to plan migrations.
Migrating from on-premises Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware, and physical servers.
Using the Migration Hub.
Migrating with AWS SMS, DMS, SCT and DataSync.
When you need to convert schemas with SCT, e.g. Oracle to DynamoDB.
When you need to use the Snow family of devices vs online migrations.

Networking and Content Delivery:

Solid familiarity with Amazon VPC including IP CIDR blocks, subnets, and route tables.
When to use a NAT Gateway or NAT instance and how to deploy properly.
VPC endpoint architecture and how to deploy gateway and interface endpoints.
Using policies to restrict access through endpoints.
Security group and NACL best practices and use cases.
Route 53 for resolution and traffic direction. Must know the routing options and use cases.
When to use AWS Direct Connect and how to deploy redundantly (and how to add encryption).
Architecture and use cases for AWS VPN, AWS Transfer Gateway, and AWS Direct Connect gateway.
API Gateway deployment options and performance optimizations.
AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront – know the use cases and differences.

Developer Tools:

Understand the whole CI/CD pipeline and how each tools fits in – AWS CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline.
How to implement a CodePipeline with Github (webhooks) and Jenkins and other similar tools.
Tracing with AWS X-Ray.
Understand the various deployment options and when use them, e.g. in-place, all-at-once, canary, blue/green.

Management and Governance:

AWS Organizations SCPs – know the whole structure of applying SCPs and the inheritance (worth lots of points!).
Know your CloudFormation and how to use StackSets and Change Sets.
AWS Auto Scaling for relevant services.
Know what metrics you can get with CloudWatch and when you require custom metrics.
Know what to capture with CloudTrail and how to use EventBridge or CloudWatch Alarms / Events to react.
Systems Manager Parameter Store use cases, and patching services.
Service Catalog and how to share portfolios in AWS Organizations.
OpsWorks use cases and deployment options.

Machine Learning:

A few random questions include things like Transcribe and Rekognition – just know what these services are used for and how they can fit into solution architectures.


Know how to analyze data from various sources such as datalakes on S3 or Kinesis Data Streams.
Athena, RedShift, EMR, Elasticsearch, Kinesis, QuickSight, AWS Glue.

Security, identity and compliance:

Know your IAM policies well.
How to enable cross-account access with roles + external ID.
AWS Directory Service.
Secrets Manager use cases.
AWS Single Sign-on and Cognito – know use cases for these.
KMS, Certificate Manager, CloudHSM.
Implementing AWS WAF – know what you can do and to what types of resources you can use it with.
Defence in depth using WAF, security groups, NACLs and other security measures.
Using Shield and other DDoS mitigation techniques.

Front-end Web and Mobile:

Use cases for AWS AppSync.

Application Integration:

Know when to use each service including SQS, SNS, SWF and Step Functions.
Use cases for Amazon MQ such as migrating existing applications using these protocols.
Amazon EventBridge for coordinating message flows between services.
Scaling options with ASG and SQS.

Cost management:

Using AWS Organizations for centralized billing.
Cost allocation tags.
How to report on costs for individual cost centers.
Using different savings plans and reservation options.

End-user computing:

WorkSpaces and AppStream – know what these are.

Internet of things:

IoT Core deployment options and use cases.

Ken Adams

Professional with over 13 years experience in Information Technology, supporting users and companies, personally and remotely. Solid experience in activities related to: Linux and Windows operating system, IT Governance, Infrastructure, ITIL, Service Desk, KPI, services and equipment quotations, backup and data restore, flowcharts creation and process documentation.

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