AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: Complete Course

Learn to use AWS Services and optimize services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. (Included Practice Exams)

18 sections • 183 lectures • 21hrs 32mins
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: Complete Course
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Welcome to the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Complete Course!

Where you’re going to learn how to get started with AWS as a solutions architect so you can pass the exam and officially get certified.

I want to congratulate you for making the decision to get certified as a solutions architect.

In this practical, hands-on course our main objective is to give you education not just to understand the ins and outs of AWS, but also to learn exactly how you can apply what you learn to real world scenarios.

Blending practical work with solid theoretical training, we take you from the basics of AWS to mastery, giving you the training you need to get certified as a solutions architect.

And we understand that theory is important to build a solid foundation, we understand that theory alone isn’t going to get the job done so that’s why this course is packed with practical hands-on examples that you can follow step by step.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an AWS Solutions Architect in the United States is over $125,000 per year. This is a fast-growing industry with high demand for certified professionals.

You’ll learn the major components of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and how to design secure and robust solutions using AWS technologies.

What you'll learn

  1. Design systems that are secure, reliable, high-performing, and cost-efficient
  2. Migration or designing new applications for the Cloud
  3. Design high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability
  4. Create, manage, provision, and update related resources using AWS Cloud Formation and much more.
  5. Learn: IAM, S3, CloudFront, Storage Gateway, Snowball
  6. Learn: EC2, CloudWatch, CLI, Lambda, Route 53, RDS, DynamoDB, Redshift
  7. Learn: ElastiCache, Aurora, VPC, SQS, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, Kinesis
  8. Make architectural decisions based on the AWS recommended architectural principles and best practices
  9. Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available
  10. Make an AWS based infrastructure more efficient in order to increase performance and reduce costs

Course content
18 sections • 183 lectures • 21hrs 32mins

Amazon AWS Resources - 05mins
How to Create AWS Account - 01mins
Introduction to IAM - 29mins
Hands-On IAM Walkthrough - 38mins
Introduction to EC2 - 14mins
Hands-on EC2 - 30mins
EC2 Instance Connect 1080 - 29mins
Installing Git, Docker, and Apache - 17mins
Instance User Data - 27mins
Security Groups - 38mins
Instance Lifecycle - 25mins
Amazon Machine Images (AMI) - 22mins
Placement Groups - 19mins
Instance Types - 09mins
Instance Purchasing Options - 42mins
IP Addressing and Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs) - 22mins
Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) - 14mins
Introduction to Amazon EBS - 12mins
Amazon EBS - Volumes - 20mins
Amazon EBS - Volumes Hands-on - 33mins
Amazon EBS - Snapshots - 13mins
Amazon EBS - Encryption - 08mins
Bonus - Lifecycle Manager - 03mins
Instance Store - 05mins
Amazon EFS - 22mins
EBS vs EFS - 06mins
Introduction to Amazon S3 - 11mins
Hands-on with S3 Buckets and Objects - 14mins
S3 Versioning - 10mins
S3 Encryption - 17mins
S3 Security and Bucket Policies - 22mins
S3 Websites - 11mins
S3 CORS - 09mins
S3 Data Consistency Model - 06mins
Intro To AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) - 07mins
Installing the AWS CLI - 14mins
Configuring the AWS CLI - 14mins
EC2 CLI Configuration, Roles, and Policies - 23mins
Using the AWS CLI with Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, and IAM - 15mins
Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata - 03mins
Logging with Amazon S3 - 02mins
S3 MFA Delete - 01mins
S3 Replication - 06mins
AWS S3 Performance - 05mins
AWS S3 Storage Classes - 09mins
AWS Athena Intro Overview - 02mins
AWS Athena Hands-on - 08mins
Athena vs Macie - 02mins
AWS S3 Lifecycle Policies - 05mins
AWS Database _ RDS Intro - 02mins
RDS Backups, Multi-AZ _ Read Replica - 03mins
AWS RDS Hands-on - 12mins
AWS Types of Databases - 02mins
AWS Aurora - 05mins
AWS DynamoDB - 04mins
AWS Redshift - 01mins
AWS Elastic Cache - 03mins
Amazon S3 - 02mins
Athena - 03mins
Glue - 04mins
Neptune - 03mins
ElasticSearch - 03mins
AWS Storage Snowball Overview.mp4 - 04mins
AWS Storage Gateway - 04mins
AWS Storage Gateway Hands-on - 02mins
AWS FSx - 03mins
AWS Storage FSx Hands-on - 03mins
Route53 Overview - 05mins
Route53 Hands-on - 03mins
Route53 TTL Overview - 01mins
Route53 Health Checks - 03mins
Routing Policy Lab - Simple - 03mins
Routing Policy Lab - MultiValue - 03mins
Routing Policy Lab - Failover - 04mins
Routing Policy Lab - Latency - 04mins
Routing Policy Lab - Geolocation - 03mins
Routing Policy Lab - Weighted - 04mins
CNAME vs Alias - 02mins
Routing Policy - Geo Proximity - 02mins
3rd Party Domains _ Route 53 - 02mins
VPC Overview - 04mins
VPC Difference between Public and Private IP - 01mins
VPC VPC Hands-On - 04mins
VPC Subnets - 03mins
VPC Internet Gateway - 02mins
VPC Route Tables - 06mins
VPC NAT Gateways - 03mins
VPC Network ACLs - 05mins
VPC Security Groups - 03mins
VPC Flow Logs - 03mins
VPC Peering - 01mins
VPC Endpoints - 02mins
VPC Bastian Hosts - 02mins
VPC Site-to-Site-VPN - 01mins
VPC Direct Connect - 03mins
VPN CloudHub - 01mins
Transit Gateway - 01mins
Elastic Load Balancer Overview - 04mins
ELB Health Checks - 01mins
Types of Load Balancers - 01mins
Classic Load Balancer - 04mins
Network Load Balancer - 06mins
Application Load Balancer - 06mins
ELB Stickiness - 03mins
Cross Zone Load Balancing - 03mins
ELB SSL Certs - 02mins
ELB SNI - 01mins
ELB Connection Draining - 02mins
ELB Troubleshooting _ Monitoring - 01mins
Auto Scaling Groups Overview - 02mins
ASG Alarms - 02mins
ASG Hands-on - 05mins
Policies - 03mins
ELB ASG for Solutions Architect - 04mins
ELB HA _ Fault Tolerance.mp4 - 01mins
Serverless Overview.mp4 - 04mins
Lambda Overview _ Concepts - 07mins
Lambda Hands-on - 06mins
Lambda Limits - 02mins
Lambda Edge - 05mins
DynamoDB Overview - 08mins
DynamoDB Security Hands-on - 05mins
DynamoDB Advanced Features - 03mins
API Gateway Overview - 05mins
API-Gateway Hands-on - 09mins
API Gateway Security - 03mins
AWS Cognito - 06mins
Disaster Recovery in AWS - 12mins
Database Migration Service (DMS) - 03mins
Database Migration Service (DMS) Hands-On - 04mins
On Premises Strategy with AWS - 04mins
Disaster Recovery DataSync - 02mins
Transferring Large Datasets into AWS - 03mins
AWS Backup - Overview - 03mins
AWS Backup - Hands-on - 05mins
CloudFront Overview - 08mins
CloudFront Hands-On - 07mins
CloudFront-Signed-URLs-Cookies - 05mins
CloudFront Advanced Concepts - 04mins
CloudFront Global-Accelerator - 05mins
CloudFront Global Accelerator Hands-On - 05mins
AWS CloudWatch Dashboard Overview - 06mins
AWS CloudWatch Logs (Hands-on) - 05mins
AWS CloudWatch Alarms (Hands-on) - 05mins
AWS CloudWatch Events (Hands-on) - 03mins
AWS Config Overview - 02mins
AWS Config Rules - 02mins
AWS Config Hands-on - 04mins
AWS CloudTrail Overview - 04mins
AWS CloudTrail Hands-on - 05mins
AWS CloudTrail vs Config vs CloudWatch - 05mins
EventBridge Overview - 03mins
EventBridge Hands-on - 03mins
CloudWatch Agent _ CloudWatch Logs Agent - 02mins
EC2 Instance Recovery with CloudWatch Alarms - 01mins
Messaging Overview - 01mins
Amazon SQS + Standard Queues Overview - 08mins
SQS - Standard Queue (Hands On) - 06mins
SQS - Queue Access Policy - 06mins
SQS - Message Visibility Timeout - 03mins
SQS - Dead Letter Queues - 05mins
SQS - Request Response - 01mins
SQS - Delay Queues - 02mins
SQS - FIFO Queues (Hands On) - 03mins
SQS + Auto Scaling Group - 02mins
Amazon SNS - Overview - 05mins
Amazon SNS - Hands On - 05mins
SNS and SQS - Fan Out Pattern - 03mins
Kinesis Overview - 06mins
Kinesis Hands-On - 03mins
Data Ordering for Kinesis vs SQS FIFO - 04mins
SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis - 04mins
CICD Introduction - 06mins
CloudFormation Intro - 05mins
CloudFormation Hands-on - 06mins
CloudFormation - Extras (Stacksets) - 01mins
Step Functions _ SWF - 06mins
Amazon EMR - 03mins
Amazon Opswork - 02mins
Elastic Transcoder - 02mins
Amazon WorkSpaces - 02mins
Amazon AppSync - 01mins
Amazon Cost-Explorer - 04mins

This course is broken down into 4 main parts:

- AWS Course Intro
- IAM - Identity and Access Management
- Amazon EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud

- Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service
- AWS Command Line Interface
- Advanced Amazon S3 & Athena
- Database Service & Types

- AWS Storage
- Route53
- Virtual Private Cloud/VPC’s
- Load Balancing
- Serverless

- Disaster Recovery
- Cloudfront & AWS Global Accelerator
- Monitor and Audit
- SQS, SNS and Kinesis
- Other Services

The AWS solution architect training is designed for beginners and solutions architects. You will learn to use AWS Services and optimize services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. Emphasizing on best practices for the AWS Cloud with the latest industry standard. Various design patterns to help you think through the process of architecting optimal IT solutions on AWS.

Juan E. Galvan

Hi I'm Juan. I've been an Entrepreneur since grade school. My background is in the tech space from Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Web Development to Programming. I believe in continuous education with the best of a University Degree without all the downsides of burdensome costs and inefficient methods. I look forward to helping you expand your skillsets.

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