AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Complete Course

Learn and Prepare for Azure 104 certification - Learn it the right way

12 sections • 234 lectures • 15hrs 20mins
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AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Complete Course
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Welcome to Microsoft Azure Az 104 Certification.

This course teaches the participants to prepare for AZ 104 Certification. If certification is not in your mind at this time, you can still opt for this course as it gives you the knowledge to make you Azure ready and become a better Azure Administrator . This course is derived from Az 103 just like the certification itself. All the changes that were made to Az 103 by Microsoft to make it Az 104 are now incorporated in this course as well .

Tips for Learning :

1) Create an Azure account before you start the course.
2) Always keep a notebook and a pen handy to make notes. Research indicates that traditional old school learning helps retain concepts for longer time.
3) Have an end date to finish the course. Dont let it drag forever. Its important to take this learning to next level before it evaporates.
4) Do as many labs as possible.
5) Ask questions. I love to work with my students and ensure they succeed. Join me in the Forums on RNP portal.

I hope this course would be informative to you in all aspects. Let's Get Started. Happy Learning.

Course content
12 sections • 234 lectures • 15hrs 20mins

Course Welcome - 01mins
AZ 104 Agenda - 04mins
Disclaimer - 01mins
Identity Introduction - 03mins
AAD Features and Benefits - 03mins
Azure AD vs ADDS - 04mins
Azure Active Directory Lab Activity 1 - 13mins
Managing Azure AD with Powershell - Lab Activity - 12mins
All about Azure AD Groups - 08mins
Managing Azure AD Groups with Powershell - Lab Activity - 03mins
What is MFA - 03mins
Multi Factor Authentication - LAB Activity - 04mins
Authentication methods - 02mins
Types of Azure AD Users - 02mins
Self Service - 06mins
Azure AD Editions - 01mins
Azure AD Domain Join - 04mins
Azure AD Connect - 05mins
Azure AD B2B - 04mins
Azure AD B2C - 07mins
Monitoring Azure AD - 05mins
Management Groups - 01mins
Create a Management Group - 06mins
Azure Subscriptions - 06mins
How Do you get a subscription - 01mins
Azure Subscription Usage - 02mins
Subscription User Types - 03mins
Resource Limits - 02mins
Resource Tags - 02mins
Pricing Calculator - 04mins
Billing Alerts - 03mins
Reservations.mp4 - 03mins
RBAC Concepts - 55secs
RBAC ROLES - 03mins
Azure AD Roles and Permissions - 04mins
Role Definitions - 03mins
RBAC Definitions - Powershell - 02mins
Azure AD Users and Powershell - 14mins
Azure Policy - 02mins
Azure Policy - Lab Activity - 06mins
Azure Policy WalkThrough and LAB Activity - 05mins
Cleaning up Resources - With Powershell - 01mins
Azure Portal - 01mins
Azure Mobile APP - 02mins
Azure Portal Demo - 05mins
Azure CLoud Shell - 01mins
Azure CLoud Shell - Demo - 05mins
Introduction to Powershell - 01mins
Introduction to Powershell - II - 05mins
What is a Powershell Modules - 03mins
Azure Modules for Powershell - 06mins
Manage Resource groups with PS - 04mins
Azure RM vs AZ - 47secs
Demo- Working with Azur CLI locally - 01mins
Benefits of Resource Manager - 01mins
Resource Providers - 01mins
Resource Providers - Lab Activity - 01mins
Moving Resources - 44secs
Resource Group demonstration - 07mins
Advantages of ARM Templates - 01mins
JSON - Warm up - 01mins
Parameters and Variables - 02mins
Azure Resource Manager Templates - 02mins
Understanding JSON - 07mins
Demonstration - Run templates with PS - 15mins
Interacting with VM using Powershell - 05mins
ARM viz - 02mins
Azure Network Introduction - 01mins
Purpose of Virtual Networks - 01mins
Virtual Networks Lab - 14mins
Createing VIrtualnetwork with PS - Lab Activity - 08mins
What are Subnets - 02mins
Multiple NICs - Lab Activity - 06mins
IP Addressing - 03mins
Private IP Adresses - 01mins
Public IP address - 04mins
Manage IP Address - Lab Activity - 14mins
Azure Service Endpoints - 51secs
Why Use Service Endpoints - 02mins
Service Endpoints Demo - 05mins
Domain and Custom Domains - 02mins
Azure DNS - 04mins
DNS Delegation - 01mins
Private Zone - Scenario I - 02mins
Private Zone - Scenario II - 01mins
Private DNS - Demo - 03mins
What are NSG's - 53secs
Scope of NSG - 02mins
NSG Demo - 06mins
Interconnectivity Intro - 24secs
Vnet peering - 01mins
Benefits of Network Peering - 01mins
Vnet Peering Labs - 05mins
Gateway Transit - 01mins
Service Chaining - 01mins
Virtual Network Gateway - I - 01mins
Azure Connectivity - Comparison - 06mins
Express Route - I - 02mins
Express Route - II - 04mins
Express Route III - 55secs
Virtual Network Gateway Lab - 08mins
Virtual Network Gateway Lab II - 10mins
Interconnectivity - Conclusion - 52secs
System Routes - 02mins
User Defined Routes - 05mins
What is Load Balancer - 01mins
What is Load Balancer - II - 01mins
Public Load Balancer - 01mins
Internal Load Balancer - 02mins
Load Balancer SKUs - 01mins
Load Balancer Lab - Part 1 - 09mins
Load Balancer Lab - Part 2 - 03mins
Load Balancer Lab - Part 3 - 12mins
Azure Traffic Manager - 04mins
Priority Routing - 01mins
Performance Routing - 02mins
Geographic Routing - 02mins
Weighted Routing - 02mins
Traffic manager profiles Lab Activity - 09mins
Azure Storage - 01mins
Azure Storage Account - 05mins
Standard and premium storage accounts - 01mins
Storage types - 03mins
Creating Storage Account - Lab Activity - 05mins
Create Storage Account with Powershell - Lab Activity - 08mins
Create Storage Account with CLI - Lab Activity - 02mins
Azure Storage Explorer - Introduction - 02mins
Azure Blob Containers - 01mins
Storage Performance Tiers - 02mins
Uploading Blobs - 04mins
Blob Access Policies - 01mins
Blob Storage Pricing - 02mins
Blob Storage- Lab Activity - 03mins
Azure Files - 02mins
Files Vs Blobs - 01mins
Create Azure file Share (Lab Activity) - 05mins
Creating File Share with Powershell and Mounting on Linux (Lab Activity) - 06mins
Secure File Transfer - 01mins
File Share Snapshots - 03mins
File Share Snapshots - Lab Activity - 01mins
Storage Security - 02mins
Authorization Options - 02mins
Shared Access Signatures - 03mins
Shared Access Signatures - Lab Activity - 06mins
Storage Service Encryption - 02mins
Customer Managed Keys - 56secs
SAS Best Practices - 05mins
Blob Public Access Level - 01mins
Supported Operating Systems - 01mins
What is Not Supported - 51secs
What is Azure Compute - 50secs
Virtual Machines 1 - Lab - 14mins
Virtual Machines II - Lab - 45secs
Virtual Machines III - Lab - 02mins
Virtual Machines IV - Lab - 03mins
Virtual Machines V - Lab - 02mins
Virtual Machine VI - 03mins
Creating VM with Powershell - 11mins
Managing Linux Instances - 09mins
Maintenance and Downtime - 02mins
Availability Sets - 01mins
Fault Domain and Update Domain - 02mins
Custom Script Extensions - 02mins
CSE - Lab - 05mins
Serverless Computing Introduction - 28secs
App Service Plan - 01mins
App Service Plan pricing tiers - 07mins
App Service Plan Scaling - 01mins
Auto scaling Features - Lab - 07mins
Autoscale considerations - 50secs
Creating a Web App - 03mins
Azure App Service Features - 03mins
Azure Web App Deployment Options - 06mins
Azure app deployment Slots - 06mins
Authentication and Authorization - 03mins
Web App Custom Domains - 04mins
App Services - Backup and Restore - 04mins
What are Containers - 03mins
13 Containers vs Virtual Machines - 03mins
Advantages of Containers - 02mins
What is Orchestration services - 03mins
Azure Container Instances - Lab - 06mins
Azure Container Instances - Lab - II - 03mins
Azure Container Instances -Deploy with CLI- Lab - III - 03mins
Build Custom Apps and Azure Container Registry - 11mins
Azure Container Groups - 03mins
What is Docker - 01mins
Docker Terminologies - 02mins
Azure Kubernetes Services - 02mins
Azure Kubernetes Services - Features - 04mins
AKS Clusters and Nodes - 02mins
AKS Networking - Services - 04mins
AKS - Volumes - 05mins
AKS Security - 06mins
AKS and Azure AD - 01mins
Kubernetes service Accounts - 01mins
Azure AD Roles and Cluster Roles - 01mins
Kubernetes LAB Activity I - 09mins
Kubernetes LAB Activity II - 03mins
Kubernetes LAB Activity III - 10mins
Kubernetes Architecture - 08mins
Data Protection Intro - 01mins
Storage Account Replication Options - 01mins
Local Redundant Storage - 03mins
Zone Redundant Storage - 03mins
GRS and RA GRS - 05mins
GZRS and RA GZRS - 03mins
Comparing Replication Strategies - 01mins
Azure Backup - 04mins
Recovery Services Vault - Backup I - 01mins
Recovery Services Vault - Backup II - 04mins
Recovery Services Vault - Backup III - 08mins
Azure Site Recovery - 03mins
Virtual Machine Data Protection - 02mins
Images vs Snapshots - 02mins
Azure Site Recovery - Replication LAB - 13mins
Azure Monitoring Service - Introduction.mp4 - 01mins
KEY capabilities - 54secs
Monitoring Data Platform - 01mins
Log Data - 01mins
Data Types - 01mins
Azure Advisor - 01mins
Azure Advisor Lab - 04mins
Azure activity Log - 03mins
Event Category - 02mins
Azure Alerts - 05mins
Log Analytics - 01mins
Log Analytics Demo - 15mins
Network Watcher - 01mins
Connection Monitor - 03mins
Topology - 01mins
IP Flow Verify - 01mins
Next Hop - 03mins
Connection Troubleshoot - 02mins

We will dive into all aspects of Azure service offerings and work our way with simple tasks like creating Virtual machines , storage accounts etc . We would also learn how to manage them using Powershell and Azure CLI. A brief overview of the course agenda / description is mentioned below.

Module 01 - Identity
Module 02 – Governance and Compliance
Module 03 – Azure Administration
Module 04 – Virtual Networking
Module 05 – Intersite Connectivity
Module 06 – Network Traffic Management
Module 07 – Azure Storage
Module 08 – Azure Virtual Machines
Module 09 - Serverless Computing
Module 10 – Data Protection
Module 11 – Monitoring

Anand Rao

Anand Rao is a senior technical instructor and cloud consultant. He has worked with large enterprises for about 15 years and has a wide range of technologies in his portfolio. Anand is adept at not just cloud platforms (Azure , AWS and GCP) but also well-versed with IAM, security and automation with powershell and python.

In addition, he has been developing and updating the content for various courses. He has been assisting many engineers in the lab examinations and securing certifications.

Anand Rao has delivered instructor led trainings in several states in India as well as several countries like USA, Bahrain, Kenya and UAE. He has worked as a Microsoft Certified Trainer globally for Corporate Major Clients.

Anand is also a Certified seasoned professional holding certifications in following platforms:

Microsoft Certified Trainer ( MCT )
SY0-401 : CompTIA Security +
Scrum Certified master ( SCRUM )
Certified Network Defender ( CND – EC-Council )

Certified Ethical hacker ( CEH – EC-Council )
70-640 MS Active Directory
70-533 MS Azure Administration
70-534 MS Azure Architecture
AWS certified solutions Architect – Associate
AWS certified sysops administrator – Associate
Google Cloud Platform-Cloud Architect (GCP)
Certified Cloud Security Knowledge ( CCSK )

Note: Anand also manages channel "The Cloud Mentor" in youtube. Feel free to subscribe to AWS and Azure. Share, Learn, Subscribe.


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