Learn to create and sell your own NFT using Solidity

Create your own NFT from scratch using Solidity, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin and Alchemy.

7 sections • 13 lectures • 2hrs 5mins
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Learn to create and sell your own NFT using Solidity
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NFTs are on-trend right now; everyone is looking to buy a unique and profitable NFT, and creators and developers are taking advantage of this opportunity. NFTs exist on a blockchain, which is a distributed public ledger that records transactions. You're probably most familiar with blockchain as the underlying process that makes cryptocurrencies possible. Specifically, NFTs are typically held on the Ethereum blockchain, although other blockchains support them as well.

A Non-Fungible Token means that it is a unique token that has no other token like it. This is different from the ERC-20s, which are fungible. Fungible means “replaceable” or “interchangeable.”

With NFTs bringing blockchain into the public eye, now is an excellent opportunity to understand the hype yourself by publishing your own NFT on the Ethereum blockchain.

NFTs have generated a lot of attention and become a reality in the arts and entertainment worlds. Yet, beyond these early applications, many real-world business use cases -- from licensing and certifications to real estate to supply chain management and logistics -- are still at an early stage.

In this course, you will learn to create and deploy an ERC-721 smart contract on the Rinkeby test network using MetaMask, Solidity, Hardhat, Pinata and Alchemy. We will do everything from scratch so that you can understand all the necessary concepts precisely. From setting up a new project, deploying our smart contract, minting our NFT and then finally listing it for sell in OpenSea marketplace.

Course content
7 sections • 13 lectures • 2hrs 5mins

Course Introduction - 01mins
What is NFT and its use cases - 06mins
ERC 721 vs ERC 1155 - 05mins
Install hardhat and its dependencies - 07mins
Alchemy and Metamask account - 09mins
ERC-721 contract using Openzeppelin - 12mins
Understanding ERC721 Contract - 27mins
Uploading images to Pinata - 06mins
Create Meta data and upload to Pinata - 06mins
Writing the deployment script - 09mins
Creating a minting script - 19mins
View NFT in Metamask wallet - 03mins
View and Sell your NFT in OpenSea - 09mins
  • Blockchain Knowledge
  • Create a NFT from scratch
  • Solidity implementation
  • Use of Hardhat and Metamask
  • Working with IPFS
  • Publish NFT on OpenSea marketplace
Rahul Agarwal

I am an experienced Flutter and Blockchain developer as well as trainer. I conduct workshops where I am building a community of tech enthusiast. I am well versed in production level application and how to write codes efficiently. I just love the way Flutter makes it easy to develop cross platform applications within a short time interval. And how Web3 has changed the whole internet where no single authority can own and manipulate the data.

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