Python PyQt5 and Qt creator and sqlite3 database course for advanced learners

You will learn how to build a professional grade application with Qt creator, Python PyQt5 and sqlite3

7 sections • 148 lectures • 25hrs 10mins
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Python PyQt5 and Qt creator and sqlite3 database course for advanced learners
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Florin D.: "An excellent course, it is very well explained, it is very well developed course and at the end of it you have just completed a wide application. I honestly don't regret choosing this wonderful course". 

Everything you need for this course is a basic knowledge of programming, for instance classes, methods and variables.

This course is not for beginners without any knowledge of programming.

You will learn how to build a professional grade application with Qt creator, Python PyQt5 and sqlite3.

In this course we are going to create layouts with Qt creator, use application functionalities with Python PyQt5 and sqlite3 database.

We will focus on query databases (insert, update and delete), upload and save images to your application, and you will learn how to create statistics as charts. I will show you how to use matplotlib.

For that we generate records from the database and also display them in a table or combo box. You will use sqlite3 DB browse.

After completing this course, you will be able to create your own professional application. Everything will be explained line by line.

At the end of our course I will show you how to create an executable file undependend from Pycharm and your computer.

You will also learn how to use Qt creator to develop professional user interfaces, create menus and menu toolbars. Everything is explained step by step. You will also learn how to set and change text and background colors, and much more.

Let's start! I would be very happy to welcome you as student today! 

Course content
7 sections • 148 lectures • 25hrs 10mins

Couse Video - 03mins
Course Material
Download and install Qt creator - 05mins
Download and install DB Browser Sqlite3 - 01mins
Download and install Pycharm - 02mins
Download and install Python - 02mins
Car dealer mamagement application - 05mins
How do you work with Pycharm - 04mins
Create Pycharm project - 05mins
Install Python package - 05mins
Create Qt project - 02mins
Create build function - 05mins
Create main function part 1 - 02mins
Create main function part 2 - 01mins
Style main window - 05mins
Create main window widgets - 03mins
More information - 06mins
Create add new vehicle menu and menu toolbar - 06mins
Create add new vehicle window - 07mins
Create connection function menu and menu toolbar add new vehicle - 08mins
Create add new vehicle window layout Part1 - 10mins
Create add new vehicle window layout Part2 - 09mins
Create add new vehicle window layout part3 - 08mins
Create sqlite3 database - 10mins
Crash course "listen and for loop" in Python - 14mins
Preparing for "Add new vehicle" - 05mins
Create connection function upload picture add new vehicle - 20mins
Create connection function submit add new vehicle part 1 - 10mins
Create connection function submit add new vehicle part 2 - 10mins
Upload and disply pictures - 06mins
Create overview menu - 13mins
Create display vehicle table layout part1 - 11mins
Create display vehicle table layout part2 - 10mins
Create display vehicle table layout part3 - 10mins
Finish display vehicle table layout - 04mins
Display records from database into table part 1 - 05mins
Display records from database into table part 2 - 11mins
Display records from database into table part 3 - 08mins
QMessageBox type - 02mins
Create connection function search for vehicle part 1 - 11mins
Create connection function search for vehicle part 2 - 14mins
what's next - 02mins
Create doubleClicked function for tableWidgetDisplyVehicle part1 - 09mins
Create show single vehicle widow layout part 1 - 09mins
Create show single vehicle widow layout part 2 - 08mins
Finish show single vehicle layout - 12mins
What's next - 05mins
Create doubleClicked function for tableWidgetDisplyVehicle part 2 - 10mins
Create doubleClicked function for tableWidgetDisplyVehicle part 3 - 16mins
Create doubleClicked function for tableWidgetDisplyVehicle part 4 - 03mins
Finish doubleClicked function for tableWidgetDisplyVehicle - 09mins
Create connection function update vehicle picture and data part1 - 12mins
Finish connection function update vehicle picture and data - 14mins
Create connection function delete vehicle data - 10mins
Create connection function show vehicle status - 11mins
Create add new cars seller window - 05mins
Create connection function menu and menu Toolbar - 06mins
Create add new cars seller window layout part 1 - 06mins
Create add new cars seller window layout part 2 - 09mins
Finish creat add new cars seller window layout - 06mins
Create seller table - 07mins
More information about Qt creator - 03mins
Create connection function add new seller and picture part 1 - 14mins
Finsh connection function add new seller and picture - 06mins
Create show seller menu and table window - 05mins
Create show seller class and menu connection function - 06mins
Create layout show seller table window - 15mins
How do you change your window layout later - 06mins
Change column width seller table - 07mins
Display record from database into seller table - 12mins
Create connection function search for seller and all seller - 14mins
Create show single seller window - 09mins
Create show single seller window layout - 15mins
Create doubleClicked function show single seller part 1 - 11mins
Finish doubleClicked function show single seller - 12mins
Create connection function update seller picture - 02mins
Create connection function update seller data - 14mins
Create connection function delete seller data - 11mins
Create add new customer menu and toolbar - 12mins
Create connection function menu and menu toolbar add new customer - 12mins
Create add new customer window layout - 12mins
Create customer table - 05mins
Create connection function add new customer - 12mins
Create show exsisting customer menu and show customer table window - 10mins
Create show customer table window layout part 1 - 10mins
Finish show customer table window layout - 06mins
Display records from database into customer table - 12mins
Create connection function search for customer and show all customer - 13mins
Create doubleClicked function show single customer part 1 - 10mins
Create layout show single customer window part1 - 10mins
Finish layout show single customer window - 03mins
Create doubleClicked function show single customer part 2 - 10mins
Finish doubleClicked function show single customer - 09mins
Create connection function update customer data - 14mins
Create connection function delete customer data - 09mins
What's next? - 03mins
Create Deal menu and menu toolbar and connection function - 13mins
Create Deal window layout part 1 - 10mins
Finish Deal window layout - 06mins
Create sellCars function part 1 - 13mins
Create sellCars function part 2 - 07mins
Create sellCars function part 3 - 06mins
Finish sellCars function - 10mins
Create updateComboPieces connection function - 15mins
Create Deal table - 04mins
Create Make Deal window - 09mins
Create Make Deal window layout part 1 - 09mins
Finish Make Deal window layout - 04mins
Preparation submit connection function - 08mins
Create function submit part 1 - 12mins
Create function submit part 2 - 11mins
Finish function submit - 09mins
Create connection function confirm part 1 - 10mins
Create connection function confirm part 2 - 09mins
Create connection function confirm part 3 - 11mins
Finish connection function confirm - 12mins
What's next? - 05mins
Create menu and menu Toolbar statistic staff per month - 17mins
Create window layout statistic staff per month part 1 - 09mins
Finish window layout statistic staff per month - 07mins
Create connection function show overview seller per month part 1 - 14mins
Create connection function show overview seller per month part 2 - 10mins
Finish connection function show overview seller per month - 11mins
Create menu and menu toolbar statistic staff per year - 06mins
Create connection function menu and menu toolbar statistic staff Year - 10mins
Create window layout statistic staff per year part 1 - 09mins
Finish window layout statistic staff per year - 05mins
Create connection function show overview seller per year part 1 - 14mins
Finish connection function show overview seller per year - 16mins
Create menu and menu toolbar statistic customer per year - 13mins
Create window layout statistic customer year part 1 - 09mins
Finish window layout statistic customer year - 04mins
Create connection function statistic customer per year part 1 - 11mins
Create connection function statistic customer per year part 2 - 09mins
Finish connection function statistic customer per year - 10mins
Create menu and menu Toolbar monthly overview - 14mins
Create window layout monthly overview part 1 - 07mins
Finish window layout monthly overview - 05mins
Create connection function show monthly overview part 1 - 12mins
Finish connection function show monthly overview - 12mins
Create menu and menu toolbar annual overview - 13mins
Create window layout annual overview - 10mins
Create connection function annual overview part 1 - 07mins
Finish connection function annual overview - 18mins
Example data chart - 06mins
Create graphic function for statistic staff per month part 1 - 13mins
Finish graphic function for statistic staff per month - 08mins
Create an executable file from our application - 04mins

You will learn how to build a professional grade application with Qt creator, Python PyQt5 and sqlite3.


Personal Profile

Since 2002 I work as freelance programmer.

Since October 2019 I refreshed my software programming skills in C++ under new Qt application environment. In addition, I have taken several remote learning courses for different programming languages C++ / Qt, Java Script, Phyton, Unity, C# at ILS and udemy.

I attended successfully following courses: 

1) The complete C# Masterclass under environment Visual Studio, WPF, .Net, MSsql

2) C# - The advanced course

3) Learn to create professional websites (html, Javascript, PHP)

4) MySQL – from beginner to professional

5) PHP-Bootcamp – from beginner to professional PHP developer, under environment Xampp-Control

6) The complete Java Script Masterclass for advanced programmers, under environment Node.js and Visual Studio Code

7) The complete Web Developer Course 2.0 - Create 25 Websites (html, html5, css/css3, Bootstrap, jQuery, php, java script), under environment Brackets

8) C# - The comprehensive beginning course, under environment Visual Studio

9) Python Bootcamp, beginning course, under environment Atom and Jupiter Notebook (Anaconda 3)

10) The complete Unity & C# Masterclass - Develop 5 games in 2D and 3D, under environment Visual Studio and Unity Hub

11) Hacking and network analysis with Wireshark – The complete course

12) Software programmer for C/C++ Qt

Remote studies at ILS, Germany (October 2019 to August 2020; early graduation 5 months before regular end of studies)

Final grade: 1.2 (Very good)

Studies included Qt class library, GUI development and widgets, data base programming, mobile apps

13) Software programmer for C/C++

Remote studies at ILS, Germany (July 2002 to November 2003)

Final grade: 1.0 (Very good)

Studies included VBA, software engineering with UML, C and C++, Windows programming with C++

Bachelor of Commerce

Studies at Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (May 1985 to May 1989)

Final grade: Good

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