When it comes to programming languages, there are a lot of choices out there. Python and Java are two of the most popular ones, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Java is more popular than Python, but that doesn’t mean it’s better. In fact, there are some situations where Python is the better choice.

Let us first understand what is Python and Java?

Java Programming Language

Java is a mature and well-established language that has been around since it was first rolled out in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. It is known for its stability, scalability, and performance. Java is often used in large enterprise applications and is a popular choice for building backend systems. It is also used in Android app development and has a wide range of libraries and frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and JavaServer Faces (JSF) to aid in web development.

Python Programming Language

Python was created by Guido Van Rossum and first released in 1991. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Python has a large and active community, which has contributed to the development of many libraries and frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid. These frameworks make it easy to build web applications quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Python is widely used in the field of data science and machine learning, which makes it a great choice for projects that involve data analysis and visualization.

Before we do the comparison, let us first understand who is a full stack developer?

Who is a Full Stack Developer?

A full stack developer is a software developer who is proficient in all layers of the software development process, from the front-end user interface to the back-end databases and servers. A full stack developer typically has a broad range of skills that span multiple programming languages, frameworks, and technologies.

A full stack developer is able to work on all aspects of a web application, including the client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) components. They are typically proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building the user interface, as well as one or more programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, or C# for building the back-end logic and connecting to databases. They also have knowledge of web development frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js for front-end, and Django, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, and Spring for back-end.

Additionally, full stack developers are familiar with web development technologies such as APIs, web services, and database management systems. They also have knowledge of deployment, hosting and server administration.

Differences Between Java and Python?

Java is known for its stability and performance, but can be more verbose and complex compared to Python. Python, on the other hand, is known for its simplicity and ease of use, but may not be as efficient or performant as Java.

Below are some key differences between Java vs Python:


Java has a more verbose and complex syntax compared to Python, which is known for its simplicity and readability. Python’s simple syntax is more similar to natural language, making it easier to learn and use. Python generally has less lines of code with the same functionality in Java.

Here is an example of a simple “Hello, World!” program written in Python and Java:


print("Hello, World!")


public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

In the Python example, the print function is used to output the string “Hello, World!” to the console. In the Java example, the System.out.println method is used to output the string “Hello, World!” to the console. The Java code also includes a main method, which is the entry point for the program, and a HelloWorld class that contains the main method.

Both examples are very simple, but they illustrate some key differences between the two languages. Python’s syntax is more similar to natural language, making it easier to read and write, while Java’s syntax is more verbose and follows a strict object-oriented programming model.

It’s worth noting that in python, you can execute the above code in the interpreter or in a script, but in java you need to save the code in a file with the same name of the class, then you need to compile it with javac and run it with java.


Java is generally considered to be faster than Python because the source code is compiled to bytecode and runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Python is an interpreted language, which can make it slower for some operations.


Java uses static typing, which means that variables must be declared with a specific data type. Python, on the other hand, uses dynamic typing, which means that variables do not need to be declared with a specific data type and can change at runtime.

Here is an example of a variable being declared with a specific data type in Java:

int myInteger = 10;
String myString = "Hello";

Here is an example of a variable being assigned different types in Python:

my_variable = 10 # integer
my_variable = "Hello" # string

In the Java example, the variable myInteger is declared as an int and can only be assigned integer values. The variable myString is declared as a String and can only be assigned string values.

In the Python example, the variable my_variable can be assigned any type of value, such as an integer or a string, at runtime, and python interpreter will figure out the type of variable.

Static typing can make the code more robust and less prone to errors because it enforces type constraints at compile-time, whereas dynamic typing allows for more flexibility and can make code easier to write and understand but can increase the risk of runtime errors.


Java has built-in support for concurrency, which makes it easier to write multi-threaded and parallel code. Python has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that prevents multiple threads from executing Python bytecode simultaneously, which can make it less efficient for concurrent operations.

Libraries and frameworks

Both Java and Python have a wide range of libraries and frameworks that can be used for various tasks such as web development, data science, and machine learning. However, Java has a larger and more mature ecosystem, with a wide range of libraries and frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). Python has a large and active community, which has contributed to the development of many libraries and frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid.

When to use Java vs Python?

The choice between Java and Python for full-stack development largely depends on the specific requirements of a project. If a project requires high performance and scalability, Java may be a better choice. However, if a project requires rapid development and ease of use, Python may be a better fit.

Java is mostly used for building large-scale enterprise applications, android development, and big data. Python, on the other hand, is widely used for data science, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and scientific computing.

Related: Check out the essential skills needed to become a top rated data scientist

Both languages have their own set of strengths and weaknesses, and the decision should be based on the specific needs of the project and the experience of the development team.

Which Language To Learn First – Python or Java?

Python and Java are two of the most popular programming languages. Here are a few suggestions on what you should consider when choosing between Python and Java:

  • If you’re new to programming and want to learn the basics of programming concepts and logic, Python may be the better choice for you.
  • If you’re interested in data science, machine learning, or scientific computing, Python is a great choice as it has a large number of libraries and frameworks that are specifically designed for these tasks.
  • If you’re interested in web development, both Python and Java have a wide range of web development frameworks, such as Django and Flask for Python, and Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF) for Java.
  • If you’re interested in developing Android mobile applications, Java is the primary language for android development.
  • If you’re interested in enterprise applications and big data, Java is a popular choice as it is widely used in these fields and has a large and mature ecosystem.
  • According to Indeed.com, the salary of a Python developer in the US is $116,807, while that of a Java developer is 106,630. So, you can see that Python developers are paid more.

Related: Check out the top rated Python video courses on SALE.

Ultimately, it’s not a matter of one being better than the other, both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses and it’s good to have a good understanding of both. You can start with one and then move on to the other as you gain more experience and knowledge.


Python and Java are both popular languages used by all major technology companies. Currently, the majority of jobs in the software industry are filled by Java full stack developers, but that may change in the future. As more companies switch to Python as their primary programming language, more jobs will become available for Python full stack developers. 

As for you career choices, you can start with one and then move on to the other as you gain more experience and knowledge.

Further Reading

How to become a Full Stack Developer explained?

What it takes to start your Data Analytics career?