In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud computing has become the backbone of technological advancements, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands at the forefront of this revolution. As businesses migrate to the cloud, the demand for skilled professionals with AWS certifications has surged.

Getting certified in AWS skills can help you land a lucrative job or advance your career. So, what jobs can you get with AWS certifications? Let’s dive into the diverse and dynamic career opportunities awaiting AWS-certified individuals.

Solutions Architect

An AWS Certified Solutions Cloud Architect is responsible for designing and deploying secure and robust applications on the AWS platform. They need a strong understanding of AWS services and how to architect large, distributed systems. Architects are responsible to ensure the cloud strategy can withstand the test of time. 

Certifications: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate, AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional

Salary range: $125,000 – $199,000 (Source)

Job responsibilities:

  • Advising companies on how to architect AWS infrastructure for their needs
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business requirements
  • Designing technical architecture for scalable, fault-tolerant systems on AWS
  • Evaluate and recommend AWS services based on business needs. Selecting the right AWS services and features to meet requirements
  • Estimating costs and identifying cost optimization opportunities
  • Implement best practices for security, high availability, and performance

SysOps Administrator

An AWS Certified SysOps Administrator manages operations, deployments, and automation on the AWS platform. They ensure uptime, performance, scalability, and security of systems running on AWS.

Certifications: AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate

Salary range: $87,000 – $130,000 (Source)

Job responsibilities:

  • Deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS cloud infrastructure
  • Automating operational processes with tools like CloudFormation
  • Monitoring system health, logs, metrics, and events
  • Performing capacity planning and scaling to meet demands
  • Applying security controls and compliance standards


AWS Certified Cloud Developers design, build, test and maintain applications on the AWS platform. They utilize a range of AWS services and APIs to create highly available and fault tolerant systems.

Certifications: AWS Certified Developer – Associate

Salary range: $111,000 – $123,000 (Source)

Job responsibilities:

  • Developing and deploying cloud-native applications using AWS APIs and toolkits
  • Writing code that interacts with AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3
  • Building CI/CD pipelines for testing, integration, and deployment
  • Instrumenting applications for monitoring, logging, and alerting
  • Writing infrastructure-as-code templates with CloudFormation/Terraform

DevOps Engineer

AWS Certified DevOps Engineers deploy, manage, and operate infrastructure and applications on AWS using development (Dev) and operations (Ops) practices. They automate and optimize the development lifecycle.

Certifications: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional

Salary range: $113,000 – $126,000 (Source)

Job responsibilities:

  • Implementing CI/CD pipelines and automation workflows
  • Configuring monitoring and observability for logs, metrics, and events
  • Using infrastructure-as-code tools like CloudFormation and Terraform
  • Performing operational tasks like capacity provisioning and workload deployment
  • Collaborating with developers to optimize code deployments
  • Managing security policies, access controls, and compliance

Business Analyst

AWS certified business analysts understand how to apply AWS cloud technologies to meet business needs and solve problems. They analyze requirements, evaluate technical solutions, and communicate recommendations.

Certifications: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.

Salary range: $90,000 – $120,000 (Source)

Job responsibilities:

  • Gathering business and technical requirements from stakeholders
  • Analyzing processes and systems to identify optimization opportunities
  • Evaluating cloud solutions including migration strategies
  • Developing cost/benefit analyses for cloud projects
  • Creating presentations and proposals to explain recommended solutions
  • Documenting technical specifications for developers and engineers
  • Tracking KPIs and metrics to demonstrate ROI

How To Land a Job After AWS Certification? 

Just getting a cloud certifications is not enough to land your dream job. Here are some tips on how to land a job after getting AWS certified:

Highlight your certification on your resume and LinkedIn profile: Since AWS certifications are highly valued, be sure to prominently display them on your resume and LinkedIn to catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Mention the name of the cert (e.g. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate) and the date you obtained it.

Search for AWS-related job roles: Now that you are certified, look for job roles that require or prefer AWS certifications such as AWS Solutions Architect, AWS SysOps Administrator, AWS DevOps Engineer etc. Target your job search to roles that will utilize your new AWS skills.

Get hands-on experience using AWS: Your potential employers want more than just certifications – they want real hands-on experience. Use your own AWS account to build personal projects deploying services like EC2, S3, Lambda etc. Having demo projects to discuss will help convince employers that you can apply your AWS knowledge.

Master AWS interview questions: Prepare for the AWS concepts and technical questions that recruiters may ask. Brush up on topics like EC2, auto scaling groups, ELB, VPCs, IAM policies, S3 etc. Understand how core AWS services work and how they integrate with each other.

Highlight relevant experience: Tailor your resume and interview answers to emphasize any experiences or skills that relate to the AWS xloud role. Discuss previous projects or responsibilities that align with what the AWS job would entail.

Get involved in the AWS community: Attend local AWS Meetups to network and demonstrate your interest. Participate in AWS forums and discussions online. Contribute to open source AWS projects on Github. This showcases your passion for the technology.

Apply for AWS apprenticeships and training programs: Look for AWS training programs and apprenticeships designed to place certified individuals in full-time roles. AWS re/Start for example helps transition individuals into cloud careers.

With the right preparation and strategy, you can turn your AWS certifications into a new, lucrative cloud computing career path. The key is to effectively demonstrate hands-on ability and passion for the technology beyond just passing the cert exams.


The realm of AWS certifications opens up a myriad of career paths, catering to diverse interests and skill sets. Whether you’re passionate about architecture, development, data, security, or business, AWS certifications provide a solid foundation for carving out a successful career in the cloud computing domain.

Most salaries ranges for certified professionals are from $90k to $180k depending on experience and job role. By getting certified in AWS skills, you can advance your career and average salary in the cloud computing field.

As technology continues to advance, the demand for AWS-certified professionals is expected to grow, making it an opportune time to embark on the journey of AWS certification and unlock a world of exciting career possibilities.

Further Reading:

How to Become an AWS Certified Data Engineer: A Complete Guide

What steps can be taken to transition from a non-tech role to landing a job in cloud computing?