In the vast and interconnected world of computer networks, communication is key. Just like humans rely on languages to communicate, computers rely on network protocols. If you’re new to programming or networking, understanding these protocols can feel overwhelming.

This blog will break it down for you, focusing on the most important protocols you’ll encounter as a programmer.

What Are Protocols?

At their core, protocols are rules and conventions that computers follow to communicate with each other. Think of protocols as a set of instructions for ensuring data is sent and received correctly across a network.

Imagine two people speaking different languages trying to have a conversation. Without a translator (protocol), communication would fail. Similarly, protocols ensure computers understand and exchange information seamlessly. A protocol defines exactly how data should be formatted, transmitted, and received between devices.

Why Are Protocols Important for Programming?

When writing code, especially for web applications, services, or network-based programs, you often rely on protocols to:

  • Transfer data securely.
  • Ensure proper communication between client and server.
  • Streamline data formatting and transfer speeds.

Protocols abstract away the complexity of raw data handling, allowing you to focus on application logic.

But first, let’s understand the layers of networking protocols.

The Layers of Networking Protocols

To make the complex world of networking more manageable, protocols are organized into layers. This modular approach simplifies communication, allowing each layer to focus on specific tasks.

The OSI Model: A 7-Layer Approach

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model divides networking into seven layers, each responsible for specific functions:

The TCP/IP Model: A 4-Layer Approach

The TCP/IP model, commonly used in real-world networks, simplifies the OSI model into four layers:

TCP/IP LayerMaps to OSI LayersExample Protocols
ApplicationApplication, Presentation, SessionHTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, TLS
TransportTransportTCP, UDP
InternetNetworkIP, ICMP, BGP
LinkData Link, PhysicalEthernet, ARP

Key Protocols Every Developer Should Know

1. HTTP/HTTPS – The Web’s Foundation

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is probably the most familiar protocol to web developers. It’s what allows your web browser to request and receive web pages, images, and other content from servers.

  • Layer: Application
  • Purpose: Transfers web pages and resources over the internet.

Example: Fetching data using Python’s requests library:

import requests
response = requests.get('')

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, adding encryption to protect sensitive data. When you see a padlock icon in your browser’s address bar, that means HTTPS is active.

2. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP is a standard protocol for transferring files between computers over a network. While somewhat dated, it’s still widely used for website hosting and file sharing.

  • Layer: Application
  • Purpose: Transfers files between computers on a network.

Example: Automating file uploads using Python’s ftplib:

from ftplib import FTP
ftp = FTP('')
ftp.login('user', 'password')
ftp.storbinary('STOR file.txt', open('file.txt', 'rb'))

3. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – The Internet’s Backbone

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is like the postal service of the internet. It ensures data packets reach their destination correctly and in the right order.

  • Layer: Transport
  • Purpose: Ensures reliable data delivery by checking for errors and retransmitting lost packets.

Example: Setting up a server-client model using Python’s socket library:

import socket
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind(('localhost', 8080))
print('Server is running...')

4. WebSocket – Real-Time Communication

WebSocket enables two-way, real-time communication between clients and servers, perfect for chat applications or live updates.

  • Layer: Application
  • Purpose: Enables real-time, bidirectional communication.

Example: Using Python’s websocket library to communicate with a server:

import websocket
ws = websocket.WebSocket()
ws.send('Hello, Server!')

DNS (Domain Name System) – The Internet’s Address Book

The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is like the internet’s phone book, translating human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses that computers can understand.

  • Layer: Application
  • Purpose: Converts human-readable domain names (e.g., into IP addresses.

Example: Resolving a domain name to an IP address using Python:

import socket

Common DNS Record Types:

  • A Record: Maps domain to IPv4 address
  • AAAA Record: Maps domain to IPv6 address
  • CNAME Record: Creates domain alias
  • MX Record: Specifies mail servers
  • TXT Record: Stores text information (often used for verification)

Other Protocols and Their Layers

Here’s a comprehensive table of additional protocols, their layers, and uses:

ProtocolFull NameOSI LayerUsage
UDPUser Datagram ProtocolTransportFast, connectionless communication (e.g., gaming, video streaming).
SSHSecure ShellApplicationSecure remote login and command execution.
TLS/SSLTransport Layer Security/Secure Sockets LayerPresentationEncrypts communication (e.g., HTTPS, email security).
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolApplicationAssigns IP addresses automatically on networks.
SNMPSimple Network Management ProtocolApplicationMonitors and manages network devices (e.g., routers, servers).
RTPReal-Time Transport ProtocolTransportReal-time data transmission (e.g., audio/video calls).
ICMPInternet Control Message ProtocolNetworkError reporting and diagnostics (e.g., ping).
LDAPLightweight Directory Access ProtocolApplicationAccesses distributed directory information (e.g., user authentication).
NTPNetwork Time ProtocolApplicationSynchronizes clocks across devices in a network.
Protocols and Their Layers

The Future of Network Protocols

The world of network protocols continues to evolve. New protocols like HTTP/3 and QUIC are emerging to make the internet faster and more secure. These protocols often blur traditional OSI layer boundaries to achieve better performance. As a developer, staying updated with these developments will help you build better, more secure applications.


Understanding protocols and their layers helps programmers build efficient and reliable applications. Whether you’re transferring files, building a web app, or creating real-time systems, knowing where a protocol fits in the OSI or TCP/IP model provides clarity and insight into how networks operate.

Remember, when working with any protocol, security should always be a top priority. Use secure versions of protocols, implement proper authentication, and keep your security layers up to date. If you’re just starting, experiment with these protocols in small projects. Each layer reveals the magic of how data moves across the internet!

Happy coding!

Further Reading:

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): A Beginner’s Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Certification for Beginners